‘I Couldn’t Walk’: Shailene Woodley Recalls Having Mysterious Health Issues Amidst Shooting For Her Divergent Film Series

As a lifestyle expert reflecting on Shailene Woodley‘s journey, I am deeply moved by her resilience and determination. The actress’s harrowing health scare before taking on the lead role in Divergent is a testament to her unwavering spirit. Her experience serves as a reminder that our bodies can sometimes surprise us with mysterious symptoms, leaving us questioning the causes and seeking answers.

Reflecting on her past, Shailene Woodley – known for her role in ‘The Three Women’ – recalled a time when she landed the lead part in ‘Divergent’. She underwent a health crisis that came close to claiming her life. During an interview with Mary Alice Haney and Dr. Thais Aliabadi on their podcast, SHE MD, Shailene spoke about her discomfort in nearly every part of her body.

She experienced difficulty hearing and was only able to walk for brief periods, not exceeding five minutes. Additionally, the actress noted that any food or item she consumed caused discomfort in her abdomen.

In a discussion about her health issues with podcast hosts, the actress from The Fault in Our Stars explained, “I was gradually losing my hearing. I could barely walk more than five minutes without needing to rest for several hours afterward and sleep extensively. Everything I ate caused discomfort in my stomach.” She also mentioned that medical professionals failed to diagnose any specific symptoms. One suggested it might be stress-related, while another thought the symptoms could be indicative of a thyroid issue.

In addition, the well-known actress admitted that she had been pondering many issues, including: “I’ve always consumed a balanced diet and I’m quite active. However, it was perplexing for me to wonder, ‘What could I be doing incorrectly? Why do I faint every month during my period? Why am I suffering from hypothyroidism? Why am I dealing with all these health problems?’

Regarding the doctor’s assessments of her health problems, the actress from Big Little Lies stated, “Different doctors told me it might be endometriosis, or something else. One said I had a tilted uterus, another mentioned a heart-shaped one. Each specialist gave me conflicting advice, leading me to explore my own path.

Nonetheless, the actress managed to overcome her difficulties effectively and returned to the sets of Divergent. Shia LaBeouf portrayed the character Beatrice Prior alongside Theo James, more commonly recognized as Four. Other members of the cast included Miles Teller, Kate Winslet, Zoe Kravitz, and Ansel Elgort. These films can be streamed on Netflix.

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2024-09-24 23:22