Character Guide — Morpeah

MATK 297
HP 2772
CR 10%
CDMG 100%

As a seasoned Brown Dust II player with countless hours invested in this game, I can confidently say that building and strategizing around characters like Morpeah requires a unique blend of patience, persistence, and a touch of luck.

Morpeah is a Magic Water DPS who summons allies to the field to do her bidding. She is capable of raising an army to deal massive amounts of damage.

Check out my other Character Guides:

Strengths and Weaknesses

Morpeah’s characters are adaptable for use, and she boasts a one-turn cooldown with the possibility of activating special abilities! [PvP] In other words, Morpeah’s skill enables her to summon auxiliary units on defense.

It’s quite costly to frequently use this ability.


At the moment, Morpeah owns a single costume, themed after Summer Vacation. She’s capable of calling forth personas which have the ability to explode on command.

Summer Vacation


Proactive Strategy: Employ the Ally Zone Summoning ability to summon one Persona of Devotion and one Persona of Defamation onto the field.

Persona of Worship
SP ◆ 0
Self-destruct for 300% Magic DMG.

Persona of Slander
SP ◆ 0
Self-destruct for 300% Magic DMG.

Skill Potential 1
Cooldown -2 Turns

Skill Potential 2
SP Cost -1

Skill Potential 3
NEW: Reduce DMG taken by 30% for 4 turns.

+1 +2 +3 +4 +5
Persona DMG Persona DMG Persona DMG Persona DMG Persona DMG
300% ▸ 380% 380% ▸ 460% 460% ▸ 540% 540% ▸ 620% 620% ▸ 700%

During Summer Vacation Morpeah introduces a special feature called Allied Zone Summoning. When summoned, Morpeah will prioritize placing herself on the tile in the top-left corner of her team, if it’s unoccupied. If that space is taken, she will move to the next available tile on the same row, starting from the left and moving rightward. In simpler terms, she places herself on the first empty row from left to right, preferring the leftmost open spot within that row.

Morpeah will always summon Persona of Worship before Persona of Slander.

The harm inflicted on the personalities she summons is fairly decent, though it’s not exceptional given Morpeah’s lower base MATK compared to many high-tier DPS units, and her exclusive gear enhances crit rate. However, the true value lies in the versatility of these personalities. They can perform a variety of roles as they are capable of:

  • Focus on a single enemy, making Morpeah really good in single target (besides Last Night, where her summons do not get a turn).
  • Spread their AoE, having up to 6 tiles of AoE when combined.
  • Be used as meat shields, in the case where the enemy has an ability that is difficult to mitigate.

This flexibility does come with a huge caveat, however—the personas inherit Morpeah’s unbuffed stats. This means that you need to cast this skill before your buffer, or they won’t be buffed. This also means that because of Morpeah’s 1 turn cooldown (skill potential 1), her summons won’t always be buffed. This can be played around by stacking the summons, since reusing her skill does not remove any current summons, then have them all kamekaze when the buffer’s cooldown is over. This strategy is another highlight for Morpeah—she can set up for massive nuke turns in content like Fiend Hunt.

In Player versus Player (PvP) scenarios, Morpeah’s ability to summon preemptive characters serves as a defensive tactic. These summons act as tanks, protecting your team during the initial turn, thereby enhancing the likelihood of your defense team enduring the first attack. However, whether Morpeah will prove to be an effective substitute for Granhildr remains to be seen with further gameplay experience.

Because all of Morpeah’s replicas only amplify her damage, there isn’t a definitive limit to her power. Make sure to obtain a few damage enhancements (around +2 or +3) to make her damage more manageable.

Key Upgrades: Skill Potential 1 and 2, DMG Upgrades add up.

Building Morpeah

Morpeah’s build depends on whether you’re using her for PvE or PvP.

This unique weapon shines particularly in Player versus Player (PvP) scenarios when used with Morpeah. However, for Player versus Environment (PvE) content, opt for Venomous Touch instead.

Bond Potential

HP 154
MATK 52%
Crit DMG 47.2%

No other options for now!

Optimal Build [PvE]


Optimal Substat Spread (Assuming BBS Refinements) — 7 MATK% substats + 8 CDMG substats

Use full DEF gear or full MRES gear depending on the enemies you’re facing.

Damage Build [PvP — No Crit Buff]


Optimal Substat Spread — 7 CR + 8 CDMG substats
Accessory Main Stats — CR + CR

Morpeah needs 100 crit rate so that her personas are guaranteed to crit.

Damage Build [PvP — With Helena]


Optimal Substat Spread — 1 MATK% + 14 CDMG substats
Accessory Main Stats — CR + CR

Building her can be quite challenging due to her requirement for specific CDMG (Charge Damage Multiplier on Gadget) sub-statistics, and the disadvantage of not receiving a buff from Helena every alternate turn during summoning.

Tank Build [PvP]


Substat Spread — DEF + MRES
Accessory Main Stats — CR + HP%

At present, it’s not advisable to use this build for Morpeah due to her deficient defensive bond stats. You can only effectively build around 80/80 Defense/Magic Resistance on her. Consequently, her personas are vulnerable to both physical and magical attacks. There’s hope that the awakening system may provide a solution to this issue in the future.

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2024-08-29 09:37