Blake Lively Wore Many of Her Own Jewellery Pieces in It Ends With Us? The Costume Designer Reveals

As a dedicated follower and admirer of both fashion and cinematic artistry, I can confidently say that Blake Lively is a true gem in every sense of the word. Her involvement in the film “The Ends with Us” was nothing short of extraordinary, demonstrating her deep commitment to her craft and her characters.

Following their collaboration on Gossip Girl in 2007, longtime friend Eric Daman (costume designer) hailed Blake Lively’s selection of Lorraine Schwartz jewelry as an exceptional choice, likening it to the Holy Grail. During their work together on It Ends with Us, Daman commended Lively for her unwavering dedication to portraying Lily Bloom, emphasizing that she poured her heart and soul into the role.

In a charming florist store she runs, Lily Bloom expresses deep affection. She creatively assembled an outfit tailored to her personality, using her unique fashion sense and private clothing collection. Due to the movie’s limited funds, Lively’s generous offering of her personal wardrobe was highly valued.

Blake Lively’s influence on her character, Lily Bloom, went beyond just acting. Her active participation impacted not only how her character was portrayed but also the budget of the film. Moreover, she personally selected many of the outfits for her character, collaborating closely with costume designer Eric Daman, thereby significantly contributing to defining Lily Bloom’s appearance on screen.

Adopting this method not only reduced expenses but also infused authenticity and distinctiveness into Lily Bloom’s character. Lively’s hands-on approach made sure that her costume selections were fitting for the role and mirrored her personal style, enhancing the film’s overall realism.

A notable achievement of Blake Lively was the creation of her unique jewelry line, which played a crucial role in shaping the fashion style of her characters. Remarkably, she incorporated her personal Lorraine Schwartz jewels even though there wasn’t an allocated budget for such accessories.

As a lifestyle expert, I must say, it’s my belief that when you infuse your own touch into a project, magic happens. Take Blake Lively, for instance. Her impeccable sense of style and personal collection truly elevated the character she portrayed on screen. Wearing her jewelry, Lily Bloom exuded an air of sophistication, showcasing the depth of Lively’s commitment to creating an authentic and impactful performance. Her dedication to integrating personal elements into the film was a testament to her investment in its authenticity and ultimate success.

Daman shared that Blake often brought her own jewelry to the film set, and they’d decide on what pieces to wear collaboratively. He likened the feeling of unboxing a jewelry set, beautifully packaged by Blake, from a tote bag, to unearthing a valuable gemstone.

Daman couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw all the Lorraine Schwartz diamonds within; it left him surprised to find such priceless possessions tucked away in a regular tote bag.

In essence, Blake’s distinctive jewelry pieces beautifully accentuated the movie, showcasing her exceptional style and contributing significantly to its aesthetic charm.

For quite some time, Lorraine Schwartz has been acquainted with Lively. Seeing her jewelry prominently displayed in the movie brought great delight to Schwartz. In an exclusive conversation with PEOPLE, Schwartz shared her heartfelt joy and appreciation for the breathtaking pieces that were showcased within the film.

She expressed the encounter as extraordinarily thrilling and disclosed her profound bond with Blake, highlighting that Blake serves as a prominent jewelry role model for both her and her sister, Ofira. Schwartz also pointed out that Blake has played a crucial role in inspiring them.

Referring back to their strong connection, Schwartz underlined that their relationship transcends ordinary friendship; Blake is regarded as a family member too. She underscored the significant influence Blake had on their creative pursuits.

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2024-08-10 14:07