Blue Lock Chapter 271 SPOILERS Out: Rin’s True Nature Revealed As Kaiser Aims For The Ball

As a dedicated follower of the Blue Lock manga, I have eagerly anticipated each new chapter to unravel the mysteries behind Rin Itoshi and his enigmatic ego. The latest chapter, titled “Life is Beautiful,” offered an intriguing glimpse into Rin’s past with his elder brother Sae.

Previously, Rin Itoshi retaliated against Bastard Munchen, making Yoichi Isagi realize that Rin was a limiting type of player in the game. In response, Isagi had to imitate Rin’s older sister Sae to successfully thwart Rin’s moves.

In the meantime, Rin’s ego started to disintegrate, bringing forth his recollections. Contrary to expectations hinted in Blue Lock Chapter 271 spoilers, this chapter delved into the source of Rin’s ego instead of solely focusing on his past with Sae. Continue reading for additional information on the leaked content.

Blue Lock Chapter 271 spoilers

According to leaked information from Blue Lock Chapter 271, the upcoming installment is named “Life is Beautiful.” This part of the story goes back in time and delves into the early days of Rin Itoshi’s life, focusing on his bond with his elder brother, Sae Itoshi. The chapter initiates with the brothers arriving home, and their mother inquires Rin about a shattered toy.

I step in, shouldering the blame to shield Rin from getting scolded. As I’m led away by my father for a talking-to, Rin and I exchange playful sticking-out-of-tongues gestures. The narrative then transitions to a widely-adored children’s program called ‘Evolmen.’ This show, where heroes combat monsters, captivates young hearts like Rin’s. At kindergarten, kids reenact its scenes, shouting enthusiastically, “Life is beautiful!”

As I watch the teacher and other kindergartners engage in their game of Jenga, I find myself tempted to add an unexpected twist during my turn. Instead of carefully removing a block, I decide to purposely knock over the tower. In the next breath, I’m drawn into Blue Lock’s captivating storyline, and my imagination takes over. I envision myself leaping from a great height on the playground, intending to land amongst a group of pigeons. However, my aim is off, and I end up crashing down hard, resulting in a painful injury – a bleeding nose.

At home, he fixates on the TV screen, where a cheetah chases and eventually kills a gazelle with great intensity. Meanwhile, his parents express concern over his unpredictable actions and disruptive behavior, attributing it to Rin’s influence on him. As they converse, Rin listens in from a nearby room, upset, while Sae enters and offers him an ice cream to console him.

In the Blue Lock Chapter 271 leaks, Rin queries his brother if people find him strange and a bother. His brother, Sae, acknowledges that he is labeled as weird and annoying as well. When Rin asks if this upsets him, he responds by expressing acceptance towards such labels if he was like his brother.

At a later time, Sae notices Rin gazing at Evolmen in rapture and inquires about his fascination. In response, Rin discloses that he is drawn to the boss monster due to its courageous battles against formidable opponents, risking its own existence. This admiration mirrors Rin’s hidden aspirations. He longs for the opportunity to face an extraordinary adversary, regardless of potential harm or defeat.

In the latest chapter of Blue Lock, it’s revealed that Rin’s ego isn’t just a harmful instinct but rather “a destructive force that sacrifices his own life.” This newfound awareness fortifies his resolve.

As Michael Kaiser becomes aware of this situation, he confronts Rin over the ball and accuses him of being impolite. Meanwhile, the leaks come to an end, unveiling that Chapter 272 will be named “Rock-Paper-Scissors” and features a vibrant opening page.

Keep up with TopMob for more spoilers on the match against Paris X Gen in the Blue Lock manga. 

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2024-07-29 18:39