1st Anniversary Service Satisfaction Survey Information

Hey there, it’s been a year already since I started playing Brown Dust 2! I can’t believe how time flies when you’re having fun. I’ve spent countless hours strategizing, collecting new heroes, and competing with other players.

Hello, this is Brown Dust 2.

On the one-year mark since the launch of Brown Dust 2, we’d love to hear your thoughts and improve our services accordingly. We’ve created a survey to gauge your satisfaction with our offerings, and kindly invite you to take part.

As a dedicated gamer of Brown Dust 2, I understand that my feedback is valuable in enhancing the game experience for everyone. By sharing my thoughts and insights, I contribute to the continuous improvement of the game’s quality, ensuring that Brown Dust 2 remains engaging and enjoyable for all players. Additionally, my input might be used to promote the game, helping to spread the word about its exciting features and updates.

🗓️ Survey period:
July 18, 2024 – July 25, 2024 2:59 PM (UTC)

I’ve had the pleasure of experiencing various services throughout my life, and I can’t stress enough how important it is to share my feedback with the providers. Participating in a service satisfaction survey is a simple yet effective way to make my voice heard and contribute to the continuous improvement of the industry.

After finishing the satisfaction survey for our service, you will be granted with 600 Dias once the winners are announced. For those who meticulously completed the survey, a lucky group of 10 individuals will receive 2,000 Dias following the announcement of the winners.

📢 Winner Announcement
August 1, 2024 (UTC)

🚨 Notice
※ If fraudulent participation is discovered, the winnings may be cancelled.

We ask for your participation and valuable opinions!

Thank you.

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2024-07-18 09:07