13 Reasons Why: What Were The 13 Reasons That Made Hannah Baker Take Her Own Life?

As a survivor of high school drama myself, I find myself deeply moved by the tragic tales unfolding at Liberty High School. The heart-wrenching story of Hannah Baker, as depicted in the series “13 Reasons Why“, resonates with me on a profound level. Each tape reveals a new layer of pain and betrayal that Hannah endures, from her school newspaper editor stealing her work and publishing it without her consent, to her guidance counselor’s lack of empathy and understanding.

In my perspective, I’m deeply engaged in the captivating series, Netflix’s 13 Reasons Why. This gripping drama is adapted from Jay Asher’s compelling novel, focusing on the heartrending reasons that led a girl named Hannah Baker to take her own life. The narrative delves into the events leading up to and following this tragic act, with the central character, Clay, receiving a collection of cassette tapes at his doorstep. As he listens to these tapes, he comes to understand they serve as an audio will, elucidating the self-contained narrative of Hannah Baker’s story.

13 Reasons Why delves into heavy themes such as harassment, substance misuse, and sexual violence. Despite receiving both criticism and praise, the series has gained recognition for its compelling storytelling, shedding light on the challenges confronted by today’s adolescents, albeit through unconventional means when addressing these difficult subjects. Significantly, a scene depicting Hannah’s suicide was eventually cut following mounting backlash and criticism.

1. Justin Foley

In the initial episode of 13 Reasons Why, the story of Hannah’s first kiss is told. At a gathering thrown by her friend Kat, Hannah encounters Justin Foley, who soon becomes infatuated with her. Following some bonding time, they arrange a date, highlighting the significance of friendship and bonding in the series.

On their outing together, Justin snaps a picture of Hannah as she slips on a slide, freezing a moment where they exchange a kiss. The following day, he shares this photo with others, revealing an unintended view under Hannah’s dress and suggesting more explicit activities beyond just a kiss. This misleading gossip tarnishes Hannah’s image and harms her standing, sparking a sequence of events that ultimately plays a role in the tragic narrative at the core of the series.

2. Jessica Davis

In the second episode of 13 Reasons Why, the narrative shifts towards Jessica, a fresh face in town who forms a strong bond with Hannah, another newcomer. As time passes, they become fast friends due to their shared status as new residents. Not long after, they encounter Alex, forming a three-member group known as the FML Club. Regrettably, their friendship is strained when Alex and Jessica begin dating.

In this situation, Hannah is deliberately excluded by a group, and when they disband, Jessica mistakenly accuses Hannah and treats her harshly, even going so far as to physically attack her and call her derogatory names. The belief that Alex might have been unfaithful adds to the accusations, spreading rumors about Hannah’s character. These accusations, originating from Justin Foley, intensify gossip about Hannah, causing immense emotional pain for her. The episode emphasizes the significance of friendship and the devastation of losing it in Hannah’s life.

3. Alex Standall

As a lifestyle connoisseur, I’d like to share an insightful observation about a character named Alex Standall from the series “13 Reasons Why.” In a private circle known as the Hot List, which was primarily circulated among the popular jocks, Alex found himself included. To rub shoulders with the elite, he decided to add sections titled ‘Best’ and ‘Worst A*s.’ Unbeknownst to many, including Hannah and Jessica, these honors were not bestowed upon them out of genuine admiration but rather as a petty act of retaliation against Jessica for not reciprocating his advances.

The action ignited Jessica’s anger towards Hannah, adding fuel to the already damaged reputation that started with Justin’s lie, causing a whirlwind of rumors about Hannah’s alleged promiscuity. This made life challenging for Hannah as she was constantly teased and falsely accused. The peak of this unfavorable situation occurred when Bryce Walker inappropriately touched her at the local store, increasing the unwanted attention she received from male students.

4. Tyler Down

In the fourth installment of my expert insights, I found myself delving into an intriguing dynamic between characters Hannah and Tyler Down. Tyler, a reserved photographer with a knack for capturing moments, finds himself drawn to Hannah’s compassionate nature. However, struggling to vocalize his feelings, he crosses boundaries by secretly following Hannah and snapping photographs without her consent.

When challenged, Tyler proposes a date to Hannah, which she angrily refuses. In his spiteful fury, Tyler shares the picture throughout the school. Despite few people being able to identify the individuals in the photo, it further deepened Hannah’s depression and anxiety, also destroying any possibility of friendship with Courtney.

5. Courtney Crimsen

In episode 5, on side A of Tape 3, Courtney – who was raised by two parents of the same gender – begins to distance herself from Hannah in an attempt to avoid potential misconceptions and her subconscious prejudice. This issue introduces a complex element to the series as Monty de la Cruz uncovers the truth behind the Polaroid photo leak. The episode highlights how Tyler’s leak impacts Hannah’s 13 reasons, causing Courtney to spin a web of deceit that only intensifies the ongoing gossip about Hannah and adds fuel to the already burning mystery surrounding her.

6. Marcus Cole

In episode 6, on side B of tape 3, Marcus Cole makes Hannah’s life more difficult and gives her another reason to explain why he ended up on her list. Despite presenting as a good student, it’s revealed that Marcus played a part in the bullying Hannah faced. At first, he seems kind, setting up a Valentine’s Day date with Hannah. However, as the date progresses, Marcus becomes more aggressive, inappropriately touching Hannah and becoming angry when she doesn’t go along with his advances. Feeling scorned because Hannah didn’t fall for his trap, Marcus maliciously damages Hannah’s reputation to protect his own, adding to her already tarnished image.

7. Zach Dempsey

In episode 7, on tape number 4, side A, the character Zach Dempsey is depicted as being untrustworthy when he comforts Hannah after a failed date with Marcus. Hannah values this kindness, which strengthens their relationship, demonstrating the power of empathy. Zach makes romantic overtures towards Hannah, which she finds offensive due to gossip about his promiscuity. After being publicly shamed, Zach takes notes left for Hannah as compliments, which she sees as a vital source of support during her depression. This action adds to Hannah’s feelings of betrayal and disappointment, making the situation even more painful and hurtful.

8. Ryan Shaver

In episode 8, I found myself pouring my heartache into poetry, channeling my emotions on paper. But then, Ryan Shaver, our school newspaper guru, entered the scene. He recognized my hidden talent and offered a supportive platform for me to share my work with our group. His encouragement fueled my passion, yet I hesitated to let him publish one of my most personal pieces. This led to an intense discussion between us. However, instead of respecting my choice, he secretly published the poem without my consent. The betrayal cut deep as he read it aloud in class, leaving me humiliated and questioning his trustworthiness.

9. Justin Foley again 

In episode 9, on side A of Tape 5, the contentious representation of Justin Foley being one of Hannah’s reasons for leaving is emphasized. During a conversation, Hannah recalls a party where she conceals herself in a cupboard upon Justin and Jessica entering. After placing her there, Justin departs, encountering Bryce who demands access to the room. Following Justin’s compliance, Bryce rapes the unconscious Jessica. Later, Justin tries unsuccessfully to intervene, but Hannah holds Justin accountable for granting Bryce entry initially and not taking sufficient measures to safeguard Jessica.

10. Sheri Holland

In episode 10, on side B of Tape 5, Sheri Holland provides Hannah with a ride home following a distressing incident where Jessica was sexually assaulted. Unfortunately, Sheri accidentally knocks over a traffic sign, leading to a subsequent accident. Although Hannah urges them to contact someone, Sheri, fearful of police involvement, decides not to and instead abandons Hannah at the scene. As it turns out, the toppled sign had led to a car crash that ultimately claimed the life of Clay’s friend, Jeff Atkins. Unfairly, Jeff is posthumously accused of driving under the influence for this tragic accident.

11. Clay Jensen

In episode 11, on Tape 6, Side A, I unravel my part in Hannah’s heart-wrenching decision to take her own life. She confides that I was the one who had led her to Jessica’s room during a party, an incident that seemed insignificant yet turned out to be a catalyst for the turmoil she faced throughout the season. As our relationship deepened, Hannah’s resilience crumbled under the weight of the trauma she endured.

In a moment of turmoil, I yelled at Clay to depart from me. Baffled and terrified, he obeyed my command, which has left me carrying a lifetime of guilt. On the tape, Hannah admitted that a fragment of her had wished for him to remain, yet she absolves him of blame for leaving. Similarly, Hannah asserted that Clay didn’t belong on the list with the others, but felt he should be there as he was an essential part of her narrative.

12. Bryce Walker

In episode 12, on Tape 6, Side B, Hannah seeks comfort at a party with Bryce Walker. Following the loss of her parents’ store earnings, Hannah roams the streets and overhears noise from a neighboring house. Initially joining Jessica and others in a hot tub, Hannah ends up alone with Bryce. Hannah tries to depart, but Bryce stops her. According to Hannah, Bryce sexually assaults her, just as he had with Jessica and multiple other female students.

13. Mr. Porter

In the thirteenth episode, Hannah pays a visit to Mr. Kevin Porter, the school counselor at Liberty High. Though she has made up her mind to end her life, Hannah decides to make one final attempt by seeking help from Porter’s office. She articulates her determination to hang on to life, saying “I’m going to give it one more shot, I’m trying life one last time.” Regrettably, he is frequently preoccupied with his phone and provides a series of offhand suggestions instead. When Hannah clearly exhibits signs of depression, confessing that she feels hollow and no longer cares about anything, Mr. Porter fails to acknowledge this and persists in asking trivial and unhelpful questions instead.

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2024-08-22 09:53