🎉Events after the August 28th (UTC) Update

As a seasoned Brown Dust 2 player with countless hours invested in this captivating game, I can hardly contain my excitement for the upcoming events! The update on August 28th promises a veritable treasure trove of opportunities to earn rewards and strengthen my squad.

Hello. This is Brown Dust 2.

After our update on August 28th (UTC), we’ll keep you posted about the upcoming events. Here are the details for your reference.

1. Upcoming Beachside Justice Michaela Pickup Event:

2. The Second Summer Special Login Event is scheduled to take place.
– This event will run from after the August 28th maintenance until before the September 12th maintenance.
■ Event duration: From post-August 28th server upkeep – Pre-September 12th server upkeep

3. Summer Special Surprise Login Event II
– Summer Special Surprise Login Event II will be held.

4. Mission to Amplify Your Wins in the Android Soul Seasonal Event

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2024-08-27 12:38