📢 Notice Regarding the Abnormal Summoning Issue of Morphea

Hello, this is Brown Dust 2.

Initially, we want to express our apologies for any inconveniences arising from the summoning complications concerning Beach Vacation Morphea. To keep you informed, I’d like to share the steps we are implementing to resolve these issues.


1. An issue regarding Morphea’s Preemptive Skill Activation

It has been noted that, under specific circumstances, the skill “Morphea’s Beach Vacation Preemptive Skill” enables additional summoning opportunities.

We are currently preparing a new build that addresses this issue. 

Today we aim to send our app for evaluation, following its approval, we plan to simultaneously upgrade the application on Android, iOS, and Windows platforms on Friday, August 23rd at midnight (UTC time).

Due to the need for an update on all platforms happening at once, if it’s not possible to perform the app update at that moment, we’ll temporarily halt the availability of the affected game, Fiend Hunter.

Just wanted to let you know, we’ll verify the content’s current state in the morning and inform you promptly if anything updates.

Furthermore, should we discover that any players exploiting the Fiend Hunter error for inflated scores following this announcement, appropriate actions based on our operational procedures will be taken. We politely remind everyone to avoid making unusual summoning attempts.

2. Discrepancies in Fiend Hunter End-of-Battle Scores

We’re swiftly dealing with situations where the final score after a fight doesn’t match the one shown on the outcome screen, aiming to minimize future misunderstandings.

To make amends for the troubles you’ve experienced due to a technical glitch in our recently launched character and persistent problems with Fiend Hunter, we’re offering 10 free Draw Tickets as a gesture of goodwill.

The compensation will be provided once the new build is distributed.


1. We’re addressing an issue with Morphea’s Preemptive Skill Activation through a new app update scheduled on August 23rd (00:00 UTC).

2. Discrepancies in Fiend Hunter End-of-Battle Scores
Currently being fixed

[Apology Compensation]
10 Draw Tickets will be provided upon the new app update distribution

We recognize that recurring problems have been leaving our users feeling tired, and we genuinely regret this situation. We promise to constantly monitor the platform to prevent any further hassles when playing Brown Dust 2. Your patience is greatly appreciated.

We are truly apologize for any inconvenience.

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2024-08-22 15:37